The Montgomery County Green Business Certification Program is an initiative that brings focus to the important link between the economy and ecology.
In 2008, MCCCF partnered with the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection and Montgomery College to create:
A unique program that recognizes businesses that take on ecological challenges as enterprise opportunities
A program that educates those who want to do a better job with this initiative moving forward
An ecological program that focuses on day-to-day operations and management policies rather than just LEED certification (which emphases building construction and major systems)
An official, local government to business environmental certification program
Our Certified Green Businesses are committed to:
What to Consider When Making Your Business Greener:
Engage in a dialogue with staff, program managers, procurement officers, etc.
Consider print production and toner usage and purchases
Minimize waste production with re-use, recycling or other forms of disposal to avoid landfills
Evaluate travel type and frequency
Evaluate product shipping methods and delivery systems
Consider how products are packaged
Evaluate water usage
Use Energy Star products
Montgomery County Green Business Forum
The Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce (MCCC), Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection, and Montgomery College have partnered to create a Montgomery County Green Business Forum.
Green Business Forums:
Are free and open to the public
Feature experts offering unique perspectives, advice, and tips about being a green business and the advantages it brings
Start with networking and refreshments at 7:30 AM, with the program from 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Are followed up by Q&A and networking with possible “how-to” webinars to from Montgomery College to supplement the forums
With only 4 of these forums per year, these are not events that you want to miss. If you have questions about the forums or how to get to the MCCC, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Make sure to stay tuned for upcoming speakers and check our calendar for dates.